Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Profit Architect - Jay Fairbrother

Rocky Lalvani - The Profit Answer Man

This week I am joined by Jay Fairbrother the Profit Architect
Our topic is my favorite subject increasing your profitability! Too often we just focus on the top line number of revenue but the reality is the bottom line profit is what we get to keep.  Small changes to the profit lever can have a big impact on the bottom.

Bio: Jay Fairbrother from The Profit Architects is a serial entrepreneur and coach with 30+ years of experience in founding, buying and selling 7-figure businesses. Jay’s story includes losing EVERYTHING in the 2010 financial crisis and rising from the ashes. Jay is also the Executive VP for the Global Leaders Organization (GLO) and his job is to recruit Chairs and start Chapters all over the world. Jay also runs Masterminds and offers programs and courses around Sales & Pricing. 

The Profit Architect - Jay Fairbrother

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