Tuesday, April 4, 2023

How to Make Small Changes that Lead to Big Results with Jim Bishop

 Rocky Lalvani - The Profit Answer Man

Our guest this week Jim Bishop was a rising executive at a real estate company when one of the company's leaders suggested that he read Jeff Olsen's book "The Slight Edge." Jim read the book and put what it said to use in the business. This led to huge cuts in costs and a 30% increase in profits. Small changes that are made over and over, like looking at the sales process and making it more efficient and trusting the team, lead to a snowball effect of growth and, in the end, the success of the business. Jim thinks that the owner can focus on the big picture and move the business forward if he or she takes the time to break down big tasks into smaller ones and trusts the team.

How to Make Small Changes that Lead to Big Results with Jim Bishop

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