David C Barnett Small Business and Deal Making SME
Enough Chutzpah to be the boss?
New Livestream guest-> Mason Harris, The Chutzpah Guy!
I’m happy to have Mason Harris join me on a live broadcast.
Mason Harris is a motivational speaker and author.
Tune in and as we’ll be discussing Chutzpah, Guts, Stones, Balls, whatever you want to call it. I read the book and I liked it.
This is a ‘must see event’ for anyone who needs to do something that is a little scarry.
Be sure to join live so that you can ask questions, replay will be available.
Set yourself a reminder on YouTube link here: [https://youtu.be/SW8U5AZqRDg]
We’ll be going live Now July 18, 2022 at 5 PM Eastern time
See you there!
David C Barnett
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