David C Barnett Small Business and Deal Making SME
the right Salesperson
New Livestream guest-> Chris Croner, Ph.D. from Chicago Illinois.
I’m happy to have Christopher Croner join me on a live broadcast.
Chris has had an incredible career studying the habits, desires, and success traits of the world’s best-performing sales professionals.
He’s the co-author of Never Hire a Bad Salesperson Again.
Tune in and as we’ll be discussing how to effectively sort through applicants and pick actual performers while not wasting time or effort on those who just don’t have the drive to deliver results.
This is a ‘must see event’ for anyone who hires salespeople or will want to own a business one day.
Hiring the wrong salesperson can waste months of time and tens of thousands of dollars.
This is particularly dangerous for small businesses or when you hire your first salesperson ever.
Be sure to join live so that you can ask questions, replay will be available.
Set yourself a reminder on YouTube here: https://youtu.be/IVJpc6jH60M
We’ll be going live Friday December 16, 2022 12 Noon Eastern Time
and 1:00 PM Atlantic Time
See you there!
David C Barnett
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