Monday, June 12, 2023

Live - Business Buyer Insolvency?

  David C Barnett Small Business and Deal Making SME

New Livestream guest- Doug Hoyes I’m happy to have Doug join me on a live broadcast. Doug Hoyes is a Licensed Insolvency Trustee in Kitchener, Ontario and co-founder of Hoyes Michalos. Tune in and we’ll be discussing problems that people get into with money and debt when they buy a business. While Doug takes care of people going bankrupt or filing creditor proposals in Canada, I’m sure the lessons shared will be valuable for business buyers around the world. This is a ‘must see event’ for anyone considering a business purchase. Thanks to our sponsors: Mark Willis of Lake Growth Financial Services. Build an equity asset that is guaranteed to grow over time, never lose value and give you access to liquidity whenever you need it without having to qualify for credit- EVER. Learn more and sign up for a no-obligation consultation at
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